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Phoneris Disposable Inner Cannula-Size 6

Your Price: $103.00
Part Number: PHIC-S6
The Phoneris Disposable Inner Cannula, by Mallinckrodt, is designed specifically for the Shiley line of tracheostomy tubes. These inner cannulas are made to connect to the ventilator circuit as well as stay within the outer cannula without the need for securing devices like tape or improvised fasteners holding it together. These improvised materials often lead to premature skin irritation and sores. In addition, because the Phoneris cannulas have quick, secure tab fasteners, they will help avoid many unwanted incidents like a ventilator disconnect.

The Aeroflex Ventilator Circuit Connector works in tandem with the Phoneris inner cannula and provides additional enhancements to prevent ventilator disconnect. The Phoneris has features allowing the tube circuit to flex 360 degrees as well as twist without disconnect. The Aeroflex simply snaps into position as it is placed over the Phoneris inner cannula. The click tabs are simply pressed to remove.

Some of the Shiley brand trach tubes are the Mallinckrodt Shiley Low Pressure Cuffed trach tube and the Shiley Cuffed Fenestrated Trach Tube.

Phoneris Disposable Inner Cannulas Features and Benefits

    The inner cannula clips neatly into a Shiley trach tube and its outer cannula to prevent ventilator disconnect.
    The large tabs are easy to squeeze and pull out the inner cannula.
    The Aeroflex Ventilator Circuit Connector connects the ventilator tube and the Phoneris inner cannula.
    The Aeroflex will allow the circuit as a whole to flex and torque without ventilator disconnect.

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