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Home Sleep Test

Your Price: $249.00
Part Number:HST-1


  • No overnight stay in a sleep lab
  • Familiar bed and surroundings
  • ResMed ApneaLinkââ€Å¾Ã‚¢ advanced technology
  • Precise results
  • Quick turnaround time
  • One physician, your primary care doctor
  • Confidential sleep testing
The Home Sleep Test 

Stop! Before you agree to a sleep test away from the comfort of your home, there is a better more confidential testing option. Home sleep testing has become more popular than ever over the last few years and will become even more so as patients realize their options. Many patients complain about the overnight stays in a sleep lab away from family and familiar surroundings that bring them comfort. So, why not stay home, complete the same test, and get the same results without the traditional lab. Make your bedroom your lab by simply purchasing the Home Sleep Test.

The Home Sleep Test option will provide the same comprehensive in-depth information found during traditional sleep testing in a lab. Your physician will read the same results and determine your therapy requirements by the same criteria. Nothing is missed except that one night in a strange bed with unfamiliar surroundings.

Traditional Sleep Test (in lab) vs Home Sleep Test

The difference in apprehension and uneasiness of a patient going to a lab bed and one going to the patientâ€Ã¢â€žÂ¢s own bed is clear. But the difference in cost is even clearer. The average cost of traditional in lab sleep test is 10 times as much as a home sleep test. Thatâ€Ã¢â€žÂ¢s on the low end of in lab testing and cost will depend on where you are located. Protect your wallet and your privacy with the Home Sleep Test systems provided by CPAP Supply USA!

ResMed ApneaLinkââ€Å¾Ã‚¢ Technology 

The ResMed ApneaLinkââ€Å¾Ã‚¢ Monitoring System is one of the most comprehensive, accurate, and advanced systems on the market today. Enhanced identifiers for desaturation, apneas, advanced grading system for patient condition, oximetry, and more. The very best home sleep testing option is available through our Sleep Testing program here at CPAP Supply USA, an authorized ResMed dealer. 

Your road to Home Sleep Testing

  1. The prescription form can be completed by your primary care physician or any board certified doctor. You may use our standard prescription form or your physician may provide their own.
  2. Fax the completed prescription form to 866-560-4227 or email to [email protected].
  3. Complete an order for the Home Sleep Test rental system.
  4. The ResMed Apnea Link System will be shipped directly your home with instructions.

Home Sleep Test Instructions

  1. Follow the instructions provided. If you have further questions, you may contact our office via chat, phone or email to speak with our Home Sleep Test advisor.
  2. After completing the test, return the complete ApneaLinkââ€Å¾Ã‚¢ system in the pre-paid package provided.
  3. A board-certified physician will retrieve the results within 48 hours and forward the analysis of results to your physician.
  4. If the recommendation of therapy is required, your physician will write a prescription for PAP therapy. Your physician may use our standard physician's order form or use their own.
  5. Once the prescription is received, you will be contacted by your testing adviser to proceed with the purchase of your PAP device or other options.
  6. Your purchases will ship directly to your home.

Get started today!

Sleep Test from the comfort of your home!

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