Only Medela offers authentic replacement tubing that is designed And
tested to work specifically with your Sonata breast pump. The Medela
Sonata replacement tubing can be used as a convenient spare or
replacement for worn or damaged tubing. As an authentic Medela spare
part, Our Sonata replacement tubing is made with the quality materials
and workmanship that moms expect from our brand - Inauthentic or
counterfeit parts can vary greatly in terms of quality, materials used,
and overall workmanship, all of which may adversely affect the
performance of your breast pump. One complete set of tubing is included
with each retail purchase. Additionally, all Medela breast pump parts
and accessories that come into contact with breast milk are made without
BPA, so you can continue feeding your little one with breast milk for
as long as you choose. Iqvia ProVoice Survey; nov 2017 - Oct 2018.
Medela 2018 U.S. Breast milk feeding Report. Medela 2017 managed markets
pulse study.