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Transcend P4 Overnight Battery System

Your Price: $250.00
Part Number:503026

  • At about the size of a deck of cards, Transcend miniCPAP battery options provide portable power so you can sleep anywhere. Transcend miniCPAP batteries also provide backup power during storms and brown outs for uninterrupted therapy.

    • Compatible with Transcend 3 miniCPAPs
    • Small; lightweight; portable
    • Rechargeable with AC, DC, or solar power
    • Backup power source during power outages
    • P4™ Battery provides approximately 8 hours of CPAP operation*
    *Performance tested at 14 cmH2O; actual battery performance may vary based on altitude, respiratory rate and tidal volume.

    Note: Not intended for use with Transcend 365 miniCPAPs. Also, the Transcend battery CANNOT be used with the Transcend Humidifier.

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